Postsecondary Tuition and Fee Exemption

In Florida, young adults (up to age 28) who meet certain criteria can have their tuition and fees waived for college. This means they don't have to pay the tuition at their post-secondary education at public universities, colleges, or certain job training programs in Florida. The specific requirements are laid out in Florida law and are listed at the bottom of this page.

Think you might qualify? Let us help you get the right place to find out and get your waiver!

  1. If you know your local Community Based Care Agency, feel free to reach out to them directly, here’s a map and contact information. If not, no problem, we have several easy places to get connected!
  2. If you were adopted please reach out to the Adoption Information Center, they can also answer any questions you have about adoption-specific benefits and post-adoption services! 1-800-96-ADOPT (1-800-962-3678) or @email
  3. If you aged out of foster care or think you may qualify through the other criteria on the list below, call the Office of Continuing Care through the Hope Line at 1-833-GET-HOPE (1-833-438-4673).

A student is eligible for the fee exemption if the student was the subject of a shelter proceeding, a dependency proceeding, or a termination of parental rights proceeding, and:

  1. Is, or was at the time he or she reached 18 years of age, in out-of-home care.
  2. Is, or was at the time he or she reached 18 years of age, in the custody of a relative or nonrelative pursuant to ss. 39.5085 or 39.6225, F.S.
  3. After spending at least six months in the custody of the Department after reaching 16 years of age, was placed in a guardianship by the court.
  4. After reaching 14 years of age and thereafter spending at least 18 months in out-of-home care, was reunited with his or her parent or parents who were the subject of the dependency proceeding before he or she reaches 18 years of age, including a student who is reunited under s. 39.8155, F.S. For a student to be eligible under this subparagraph, the student must be Pell Grant-eligible, and the entity imposing the tuition and fees must verify such eligibility.
  5. Was adopted from the Department after May 5, 1997.
  6. Was placed in a permanent guardianship, regardless of whether the caregiver participates or participated in the Relative Caregiver Program under s. 39.5085, F.S., and remains in such guardianship until the student either reaches 18 years of age or, if before reaching 18 years of age, he or she enrolls in an eligible institution

**The exemption remains valid until the student reaches 28 years of age. See s. 1009.25(1)(c), F.S.