Welcome Guide

To activate your online library account, follow these steps:
1. Go to mysapl.org.
2. Select Account.
3. At Log In prompt:

4. In the purple box in the upper right corner, click on the down arrow.
5. Select the gear icon or My Settings from the drop-down list.
6. Look under Account Information for Password and click on link to change your account password.
7. Enter temporary password, your new password, and confirm new password.
8. Select Save Password box.

Download the MySAPL App

Check Out Materials

You may have up to 50 physical items checked out at any one time with the following item type maximums:

You may also have 25 digital items checked out at any one time.

Loan Periods, Renewals & Returns

You can check out Library items for three weeks. The only exceptions are Express Collection DVDs and Blu-Rays, which can be checked out for seven days. Books, audiobooks, DVDs, Blu-Rays, CDs, vinyl records, and magazines renew automatically for five additional loan periods with the following exceptions:

If you would like to manage your renewals, visit mysapl.org, use the mySAPL app, or call any Library location. Please have your Library card number handy.

All Library materials (except for vinyl records) may be returned to any Library book drop.

Place Holds

Is the item you want already checked out or not available at your Library location? You can request the item by placing a hold on it. When it’s available, we’ll send it to the Library location of your choice.

You can have up to 50 physical items plus 20 digital items on hold. Holds can be placed over the phone, online, in person, or via the mySAPL app. We’ll contact you when your holds are ready. Is the item you want not in our Library collection? We can help you with borrowing options from libraries outside San Antonio with the TexShare or Interlibrary Loan programs.

Lost or Damaged Items

Can’t find it? Lost items will be charged the replacement cost of the item, plus a $5.00 processing fee. Damaged items may be charged the replacement cost, plus a $5.00 processing fee. For information on providing an exact replacement for a lost or damaged item, please call or visit a Library location.

Materials & Fee Recovery Program

If your account reaches a balance of $60.00 or more with no payment activity in 60 days, Unique Management Services may contact you to request the return of the overdue items or payment of the balance owed. San Antonio Public Library offers payment plans as an option. If you owe $50.00 or more, you won’t be able to check out or renew physical items until you begin paying on your balance, but you can still check out digital items, such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, and streaming video.