College that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, disability, sex, religion, creed, national origin, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, or employment. If you have a disability, and may require accommodations, notify the ADA Coordinator at 420-4418.
The Alabama Act 3013-283, commonly referred to as Alabama’s “Gun Law,” that takes effect August 1, 2013 does not apply to Trenholm State Community College, its buildings or property identified as such. Board of Trustees Policy 511.01: Firearms on Campus, prohibits firearms on campus or on any other facility operated by Alabama Community College System institutions. The policy expressly lists the limited exceptions to this policy, and they are limited to the following:
Violations of this policy shall lead to disciplinary action or removal from the premises by law enforcement.
This policy applies to all points of public entry in all buildings operated by Trenholm State Community College. If there are questions, please call the Coordinator of Safety & Security at 334-420-4275. (DPE Memorandum 82013-EXE-051)
H. Councill Trenholm State Community College complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), which makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals with disabilities in employment, public accommodations, public services, transportation, and telecommunications. For additional information contact the ADA Coordinator at 334-420-4418.
H. Councill Trenholm State Community College abides by the Jeanne Clery Act, a consumer protection law passed in 1990, which requires all colleges and universities who receive federal funding to share information about crime on campus and their efforts to improve campus safety as well as inform the public of crime in or around campus. At Trenholm, this information is made publicly accessible through the college’s annual security report.
Under the Act, Trenholm must provide survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking with options such as changes to academic, transportation, or living, or working situations, and assistance in notifying local law enforcement, if the student or employee chooses to do so. It also provides both parties in a campus disciplinary process certain rights.
Trenholm outlines specific policies and procedures within their annual security reports, including those related to disseminating timely warnings and emergency notifications, options for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, and campus crime reporting processes.
H. Councill Trenholm State Community College complies with equal opportunity in its employment, admissions, and educational programs and activities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For additional information contact the ADA Coordinator at 334-420-4418.
H. Councill Trenholm State Community College is a public educational institution of the State of Alabama and, as such, shall not permit on its premises, or at any activity which it sponsors, the possession, use or distribution of any alcoholic beverage or any illicit drug by any student, employee or visitor.
In the event of the confirmation of such prohibited possession, use, or distribution by a student or employee the College shall, within the scope of applicable Federal and State due process requirements, take such administrative or disciplinary action, which may include, but shall not be limited to suspension or expulsion. For an employee, such administrative or disciplinary action may include, but shall not be limited to: Reprimand, suspension, termination of employment, or requirement that the employee participates in and/or successfully completes an appropriate rehabilitation program. Any visitor engaging in any act prohibited by this policy shall be called upon to immediately cease from such behavior.
If any employee, student or visitor shall engage in any behavior prohibited by this policy which is also a violation of Federal, State or local law or ordinance, that employee, student or visitor shall be subject to referral to law enforcement officials for arrest and prosecution.
The provisions of the Alabama Computer Crime Act are applicable at H. Councill Trenholm State Community College. This act provides for criminal prosecution of any person(s) who knowingly, willingly and without authorization destroy or manipulate intellectual property.
It is the policy of H. Councill Trenholm State Community College that students be provided an academic atmosphere free of harassment, including sexual harassment. Every member of management is responsible for enforcement of this policy and for setting an example with respect to conduct. The exploitation of institutional, academic or supervisory authority to sexually harass students, faculty or staff is a form of illegal sex-based discrimination. Violation of this policy is a violation of Title XI of the Education Rights Act of 1972 and of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Furthermore, violation of this policy can lead to suspension or termination from employment, liability for H. Councill Trenholm State Community College, and civil or criminal liability for the harassing employee.
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. The common element of a variety of forms of sexual harassment is the inappropriate introduction of sexual activities or comments into the workplace or learning situation. While sexual harassment may involve relationships among equals, it often involves relationships of unequal power, giving rise to elements of coercion centered on sexual activity for opportunities of benefit such as improved job or academic status.
For additional information contact the Dean of Student Affairs and Information Services/ Title XI Coordinator at 334-420-4296.
In cooperation with agencies of the Alabama Department of Mental Health, Trenholm State Community College provides a Substance Abuse Prevention Program which includes the following components: one group seminar per semester; counseling services on a referral basis; pamphlets, posters, and other informational materials. For additional information contact the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs and Information Services on the Trenholm Campus at (334) 420-4320.
Purpose & Intent
The purpose and intent of the H. Councill Trenholm State Community College Internet Acceptable Use Policy, is to provide information specific to the appropriate use of the Internet at ANY computing device on either campus of Trenholm State. This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) specifically addresses authorized users of the facilities and/or equipment of the college. Unauthorized users and violators of the policies are subject to the maximum penalties of local and state rules, regulations, and matters of law.
The Internet, via the Alabama Research and Education Network (AREN), is provided for the SOLE purpose of supporting the educational activities of the college. AREN has established its own Acceptable Use Policy and AREN’s restrictions are in addition to the requirements of the Trenholm State AUP.
The Internet is specifically provided to authorized users for the purpose(s) of:
All incidents and/or infractions will result in loss of privileges to college Internet resources. If the Violation warrants, legal remedies may be pursued on behalf of the College. Such legal actions will result from, but are not limited to:
Trenholm State exclusively reserves the right to monitor, store, and review all Internet traffic on the Trenholm State Network for the purpose of determining violations of this AUP. ANY Internet user who is in violation of this policy is subject to appropriate disciplinary and/or legal action.
All AUP policy violations by students are subject to review by the Dean of Student Affairs and Information Services. Policy violations by employees are submitted to the college HR department for further comment and/or action. Issues of acceptable use that are in question should be submitted in writing to the Director of Information Technology for interpretation. Until questionable use is resolved, in writing, questionable use should be strictly considered as “not acceptable.”