Law School Forums and Fairs

Person at laptop

Law school recruitment events provide opportunities to meet admission representatives, get more information about law school, and ask questions that will help you determine the school for you.

Each year, LSAC hosts a series of free LSAC Law School Forums. These events provide invaluable opportunities for candidates to connect with representatives from 100+ law schools in one place. By attending an LSAC Law School Forum, you’ll be able to connect directly with law school representatives from across North America, attend exclusive workshops run by law school admission and financial aid experts, and get important information and answers to any questions you may have. Candidates interested in JD and LLM programs, as well as those who are considering law-related master’s degrees and certificate programs, are encouraged to attend.

Law schools across North America also host events where you can meet law school representatives and learn more about law schools and the programs they offer. While these fairs are usually held at or near the host law school, many schools are hosting events virtually this year.

Suggested Questions for Law Fair Attendees

When speaking with law school representatives, consider asking some of the questions below. They’re designed to help you evaluate the academic programs at each school you’re interested in attending, and to help you determine your best fit for law school.

Campus and Community Environment

Employment of Graduates


The Admission Process


LSAC’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Subcommittee has compiled an additional list of questions that may be of interest to LGBTQ+ students:

Costs/Financial Aid