
In addition to the narrative implications, Obligation has a mechanical impact as well.

Obligation Check

Before each session, the GM rolls a d100 and compares it to the group's current outstanding Obligation.

If the roll is greater than the total Obligation, they've stayed off the grid or under the radar enough that it doesn't come back to haunt them — yet.

If the roll is equal to or less than the total Obligation, it comes into play and impacts the session in some manner. The character whose Obligation is triggered feels the heat, and may suffer penalties or strain under the scrutiny or pressure of their Obligations.

Obligation as a Threshold

Obligation can also be used as a threshold, a measure of the group's infamy or social standing, depending on the volume and type of Obligation.

The GM has the option to set thresholds for the group's total Obligation (or individual characters' Obligations). In these cases, the GM may determine that the group's total Obligation must either be less or more than the set threshold in order for them to attempt a certain task.

Obligation as a Resource

Sometimes characters have the option to voluntarily accept additional Obligation to obtain items and accomplish goals that would normally be out of their reach. In these cases, the GM may increase an existing Obligation by a certain amount, or decide to create an entirely new Obligation to reflect the transaction or events.

Settling Obligation

When characters have an opportunity to pay off or commit resources to decrease their current Obligation level, this is called settling the Obligation. The GM decides how much Obligation the resources will settle, and the players decide how best to divide this among their Obligations. Settling can occur in several ways.

Obligation cannot be reduced lower than 5.

Specific Settlement

Depending on whose Obligation came into play, or the form the resources have come in, the settlement may be specifically tied to one character's Obligation.

Generic Settlement

In other cases, the party simply has additional resources that they can spend to help settle their current outstanding Obligations. Whether this is in the form of cash or some other asset, the GM may allow them to apply these assets to help settle one or more of their Obligations.

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