
The deadline for the Application for Graduation is the first week of the semester in which the student plans to graduate. A student is advised, however, to apply in advance of the semester that they intend to graduate.

  1. Complete the online Graduate Application to Graduate located through My Missouri State.
  2. Students should work closely with the advisor to ensure that all of the degree requirements are met.
  3. Students who have completed all course work and are only working on their research component may sign up for GEN 798 (Active in Research). This zero credit course offered at a reduced fee ($75) allows the following:

GEN 798 is graded as "P" (pass) or "N" (if the student discontinues participation and is dropped from the course).

Line of authority

Responsible administrator and office: Office of the Provost

Contact person in that office: Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate College

Effective date

Presidential approval: April 15, 2019